June 27, 2024

Elo Ratings vs. Divisions

Discover how adopting the Elo rating system over traditional divisions may revolutionize your league's competitiveness and player engagement, as highlighted by LI-Kick's success.

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Level Up Your Leagues with Elo Ratings: Why Ditch Divisions and Embrace a Dynamic System

Traditional sports leagues often rely on divisions to categorize teams by skill level. But what if there's a better way? LI-Kick, a league organizer we interviewed on our Sold Out podcast, uses the Elo rating system to create a more dynamic and engaging experience for players. Watch the full episode on YouTube, read about it on our blog, or listen on Spotify and Apple.

Here's why you, as a league organizer, may consider Elo over divisions.

What is Elo?

Elo is a rating system that reflects a team's (or player's) true skill level. It considers the quality of wins and losses, not just the number. Beating a strong team boosts your Elo more than beating a weak one, and vice versa.

Why Ditch Divisions?
  • Unfair Placement:  Placing teams in divisions can be subjective. Weak teams stuck in a strong division get discouraged, while strong teams blow out weaker opponents in lower divisions. It's a lose-lose.
  • Limited Competition: Divisions restrict who you can play. With Elo, you can play anyone, creating a more dynamic and challenging environment.
Benefits of Elo
  • Closer Games:  Elo prioritizes matching teams of similar skill, leading to exciting close games that everyone enjoys.
  • More Games:  Since you're not confined to a divisional schedule, Elo allows for more games, including doubleheaders. This is great for keeping players engaged.
  • Flexibility:  Elo adapts to league size and changes. New teams can be added easily, and there's no need for rigid schedules.
Challenges of Elo
  • Complexity:  Elo can be confusing at first. Teams might not understand why a team with fewer wins has a higher rating. Patience and clear communication are key.
  • Scheduling:  Dynamic scheduling requires effort. LI-Kick schedules weekly based on updated Elo scores, ensuring fair and competitive matchups.
  • Loss of promotions: Getting promoted from one division to another can be a unifying goal for a team, and with Elo, teams might miss the thrill of this milestone.
Is Elo Right for You?

Elo offers a data-driven approach to league organization, but it's not a magic solution. If you're looking to create a more dynamic and engaging experience for your players, Elo is definitely worth considering. Just be prepared to educate your players and embrace a bit of scheduling complexity.

Why AREENA Still Uses Divisions

We continue to operate two soccer leagues in Plano, TX, allowing us to remain closely connected to the challenges our software platform addresses. Our firsthand experience with these issues is invaluable; we initially ran leagues using the Elo rating system but eventually transitioned to traditional divisions. For us, the complexity introduced by Elo wasn't justified.

Each season, both our leagues reach full capacity with 18 teams. We organize these teams into three divisions of six, a system that works exceptionally well. In soccer, the concepts of promotion and relegation are well-understood and appreciated by players. Moreover, this setup significantly simplifies the creation of an eight-week round-robin schedule in advance. In contrast, Elo requires weekly adjustments to matchups to leverage dynamic rankings effectively.

Despite this, AREENA's software does offer an Elo ranking option, providing flexibility for situations where it is beneficial.

Inspired by LI-Kick's Success?

LI-Kick's experience highlights the potential of Elo. By implementing a system that prioritizes close games and player engagement, they've found a winning formula. Consider giving Elo a try and see how it transforms your league!


The AREENA app and leagues offer an immersive rec sports experience for adults, with stat tracking, skill matching, leaderboards and team messaging. Subscribe and play soccer or basketball year round, or pay by game or match with zero commitments.