Our vision is to create a world where anyone can easily access an amazing sports experience.

We believe that starts by empowering sports organizers.

Built for organizers, by organizers

In 2018, we started AREENA with the idea to create an amazing player experience, built on a scalable technology platform. We saw how lonely and out of shape the country had become, and the power of recreational sports to build true human connections (in the real world), while helping people get a level of cardio that's just hard to do in a normal gym. The problem was (and still is), that it's just too difficult for most people to easily access a consistently great sports experience.

In the beginning, we did everything - we hired referees, rented space, advertised online, all while developing our own league app technology. The premise was that whatever problems we encountered, we'd have the ability to creatively use technology to solve.

Fast forward a few years (other than a not-so-brief pause for the pandemic), and we were starting to see it come together. We were launching leagues across Texas in three different metros, and many of the problems we originally had encountered were solved. We'd created a great, league app platform that did, in fact, deliver a better player experience while solving many operational problems.

At the end of 2022, we decided we were ready to truly scale up and have much bigger impact than we could on our own. We decided to open up our platform so that other organizers and players across the country could benefit from what we had created. We still operate leagues, enabling us to always stay empathetic to the challenges in this space while having a place to experiment with new cutting edge technology. But we're now a league software company, backed by Mucker Capital and the founders of SportsEngine, first and foremost.

We're excited to share what we've created. If you run leagues, or know someone who does, we'd love to connect.

sportsengine league app founder

“AREENA is built for the next generation of sports entrepreneurs (who) expect an elegant mobile-first user experience at the same level as other tools they are using across their lives. AREENA has a fresh slate, with new technology and design patterns, to do things the right way. To date, sports administration software hasn't caught up with that.

Carson Kipfer, Former League Management Software Co-Founder and AREENA Investor

Our Team

Founder & CEO
VP of Engineering
Lead Engineer
Software Engineer
Product Manager
Co-Founder - SportsEngine
VP of Ops - Chicago Sport and Social
Founder - Average Joe Sports Club

Are you ready?

Run better leagues in half the time.
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