Explore our platform

Powerful, flexible, and simple: tools to take your leagues to another level.

mobile app league management software

A Mobile App Your Players will Love

Introducing an app that simplifies managing your recreational league by consolidating schedules, standings, rosters, payments, and more into one straightforward platform.
mobile app league management software

Powerful Roster Management

AREENA's Roster Management System simplifies team formations, streamlines season transitions, and improves communication, making league organization more efficient and less reliant on spreadsheets.
mobile app league management software

Easy check-in and scorekeeping

Simplify your operation with efficient player check-in, real-time stat tracking, and instant game updates.
mobile app league management software

An easier registration process

Enable one-click renewals and payments, accelerate registration, automate invoicing, and boost team retention through a better registration process.
mobile app league management software

Engage players with stats

Enhance player engagement and league visibility by providing immediate post-game stats, in-depth leaderboards, and social sharing capabilities
mobile app league management software

Integrated staff management

Quickly onboard staff, manage tasks from anywhere with a mobile app, and keep everyone connected and informed effortlessly.
mobile app league management software

Communicate with ease

Automate notifications, target specific groups, craft beautiful emails, and streamline communications
mobile app league management software

Get insights directly from players

Utilize AREENA's post-game surveys to swiftly gather and act on player feedback, enhancing match experiences and solving issues proactively.
mobile app league management software

Build great schedules quickly

Optimize your schedules, offer fair match distribution, customize with visual tools, easily adapt to constraints, and seamlessly set up playoffs and tournaments.
mobile app league management software

Customize your sign-up flow

Customize signups, simplify payments, leverage actionable data, and tailor interactions to meet specific needs, all while ensuring a seamless and personalized experience for every participant.
mobile app league management software

Get the standings format you want

Customize how players see your standings table, define precise tiebreakers, tailor rank points, define the impact of forfeits, and hide the impact of irrelevant games.
mobile app league management software

Manage game days easily

Gain real-time insights, communicate effortlessly, customize tasks for improved operations, and continuously improve with player satisfaction reports for every game day.